Noah's Birthday, January 2008

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Everybody worked hard on their batting . . .

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Naftali_1928.jpg Stacey_2007.jpg Stacey_2003.jpg Zachary_1970.jpg Zachary_1969.jpg

. . . and their Pitching, too

Myles_1951.jpg Zachary_1991.jpg

We ate PIZZA . . . and drank juice from silver bags

PizzaLunch_2013.jpg MylesNoah_2025.jpg
IzyTali_2015.jpg Maayan_2018.jpg Noah_2034.jpg

Of course, we had birthday cake

NoahStacey_2024.jpg StaceyCandles_2044.jpg StaceyCandles_2043.jpg
NoahCandles_2048.jpg NoahCandles_2050.jpg NoahCandles_2055.jpg NoahCandles_2056.jpg

. . . and hung out some more . . .

MarcoMike_2066.jpg MylesNoahMike_2102.jpg
MylesNoah_2098.jpg NoahZacMyles_2091.jpg MylesNoahTali_2109.jpg

created by Sara, 20080426